Are you one of the millions of Americans who have diabetes and don’t even know it? The CDC estimates 8.7 million people who have diabetes have NOT been diagnosed and do not even realize they are at risk for complications such as kidney damage, heart disease, limb amputation and more. In fact, early warning signs of diabetes can be so subtle, you might find yourself making excuses, before realizing something has seriously gone awry.
Does this sound like you?
👃 Burning food because you no longer can “smell” when it's ready?
👀 Avoiding driving at night because it’s getting too hard to see?
🦶 Noticing increased tingling or numbness in your hands or feet?
These are ALL potential signs of diabetes and they are also ALL related to one of your 5 Senses.
Genotype vs Phenotype: What's the difference?
While it seems like most people are talking about “genotype” and “genetics” these days, PHENOTYPE is actually the expression of your current lived experience. So while genetics talks about what might happen to your health based on your genetic code, phenotype is the expression of what’s already happening.
Which seems more relevant to your health?
A prediction based on how your genetics may or may not be turned on or off depending on a variety of lifestyle factors?
A complete 5-part assessment of the current status of your five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.
If you’re one of the million of Americans who get yearly eye exams, then you already know the answer: Our Five Senses Are The Keys To Wellness.
But there’s a huge problem.
Most people only test 1 or 2 of their senses at all. And of those two senses (vision and hearing) they only test annually despite the fact that deterioration can happen in a matter of months.
So what about the other THREE senses: Smell, Taste, and Touch?
Great question, because did you know:
👃 Reduced ability to smell, or hyposmia, is a common symptom of diabetes. In fact, it is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes, affecting up to 70% of people with the disease.
👅 Diabetes frequently causes reduced taste ability, known as hypogeusia, due to elevated blood sugar levels damaging taste bud nerves. Recognizing taste changes serves as an early warning sign of diabetes.
🖐️ Peripheral neuropathy, affecting our sense of touch, is often caused by diabetes or autoimmune diseases. Early signs include numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.
So if science shows that all five senses are vital for wellness, why aren’t we regularly testing them all?
Well, you probably already know the answer:
It’s expensive for insurance companies to cover preventative tests at all, especially from five different specialists; Optometrist, Audiologist, Otolaryngologist, Neurologist, and Otolaryngologist. That’s a lot of “ists” to pay!
But despite the cost and inconvenience of getting in your car, traveling to the specialist, waiting in the waiting room, and then waiting (sometimes weeks!) for your test results, testing your five senses is still necessary.
When 40% of adult Americans have insulin-resistance (a precursor to diabetes) we can’t afford to leave important health signals a mystery.
Should I regularly test my five senses?
If you have the means, time, and money to see your primary care physician and get referrals to sense specialists in order to assess the state of your senses - please make the appointment today! All of us understand the importance of vision tests - especially as we age - so why would we ignore our other four senses?
If you’re thinking, “My insurance will never cover all that!” - I get it. I felt the same way. That’s exactly why I started SuperSenses, a doctor-approved, research-backed app dedicated to creating accessible and affordable sense tests that you can take at home.
When one of our first customers, Larry* told me what happened when he shared his SuperSenses test results with his doctor, I knew I had found my purpose.
The Power of Testing Your Sense of Taste
“According to your test, I’m a Super Taster but I have reduced smell (I only got six out of twelve scents correct)! I sent my results to my doctor, who now suspects that the neurons on my tongue are firing - but the signal to my brain could be a problem. He’s finally convinced to look into my concerns further. I knew something wasn’t right and I finally have proof!” - Larry*, SuperSenses user
Isn’t that incredible? We didn’t diagnose or cure Larry, we empowered him to take his health into his own hands.
Now, I get stories like this everyday and it’s all because I took a chance on creating the first ever at-home sense test kit that tests ALL FIVE senses.
For those of us who can’t afford highly specialized medical care on a quarterly basis (and honestly, who can?) at- home sense testing is an easy, affordable way to keep your finger on the pulse of your sense status.
The Rise of Diabetes
With diabetes cases having risen to an estimated 37.3 million Americans, I for one don’t want myself or my family to take any chances. Instead of living in fear of “what if” I choose to assess the current state of my five senses to make informed choices about my lifestyle and wellbeing.
And that’s one more thing that makes SuperSenses different - we don’t just test your five senses, we offer Insights: practical tips, research, and recommendations based on your individual results.
So not only will you know for sure if you’re Reduced, Normal, Dominant, or Super in each of your five senses, but you’ll find out what that means for your wellbeing and what you can do about it.
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about common diabetes risk factors such as reduced smell, taste, and increased tingling in hands and feet.
Empowering yourself with science-backed education is what SuperSenses is all about.
If you found this helpful, please share with a loved one. The more who understand the power of our five senses, the better!
Stay well!