Lead the Way in Wellness with Comprehensive Sensory Testing

SuperSenses is the creator of the first all-in-one at-home kit that helps prevent cognitive decline by detecting early signs of sensory reduction and providing resources and lifestyle recommendations that help enhance brain health. The kit tests all five senses at home, contextualizes the results, and empowers users with a proactive approach to cognitive wellness.

Why Sense Health is Essential for Modern Clinical Practice

Feeling Well Isn't The Same As Being Well
Think your patients know the state of their senses—smell, taste, touch, vision, and hearing? Consider this: 94% of Super Senses users were surprised by the status of at least one of their senses. Subtle changes can easily be missed without science-backed tests.

Sense Health is Brain Health
Reduced sensory abilities lead to decreased sensory stimulation, which lowers the chances for cognitive reserve and increases the risk of memory and cognitive decline. By prioritizing sensory health, you can help protect and enhance your patients' brain health.

Early Detection of Serious Conditions
Offering sense testing in your practice allows for the early detection of various neurological and systemic conditions, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease. Early identification of these impairments leads to timely interventions and significantly better patient outcomes.

Preventing Further Sensory Complications
Early identification and management of sensory issues (hearing loss, vision impairments  smell disorders, etc.) can help prevent further deterioration. Patients who can test themselves at home, feel empowered and in control of their wellness.

Holistic Approach to Wellness
Sensory health is a foundational component of overall wellness. By ensuring optimal sensory function, you help your patients maintain better cognitive health, emotional well-being, and physical health. Embracing sensory health testing positions your practice at the forefront of holistic and preventive healthcare.

Elevate patient experience, gain profound insights into their health, and enable early interventions through the power of comprehensive sensory monitoring with SuperSenses.